Want to create a new team in addition to the current team

You can create a new Team in the following way.


1. Access the sign-in page from here.

2. You can create a new Team from “Create a new Team”.

How to create a new Team on Stock_1

* If you have a Stock account, you can easily switch Teams by entering the same email address when you create a new Team.

Check this article about how to switch Teams when you belong to multiple Teams.


1. Access the sign-in page from here.

2. You can create a new Team from “Create a new Team”.

How to create a new Team on Stock_2

* If you have a Stock account, you can easily switch Teams by entering the same email address when you create a new Team.

Check this article about how to switch Teams when you belong to multiple Teams.

Contact using a contact form

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us using a contact form.