Unable to preview a file / the layout is broken


The preview feature on browser version (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge) is only available for the Microsoft Office file formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF).

In addition, even when you try to preview the file whose format is shown above, the following problems may occur due to the specification of the third-party application.

1. The display or page break is different from the original file.

2. Unable to preview when the password is set to the file, particular letters are included, or a large image is attached.

In that case, try either of the following ways.

A) Download the Desktop app and preview a file

B) Download and open a file


Try the following steps.

1. Install an app appropriate for the file to preview, such as Word, Excel, or Powerpoint.

2. Tap a file and “Open”.

3. Tap the share button in the upper right and select the application you have installed in step1.

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