Can I change whether the row is struck through when I check a checkbox?

You can change whether the row is struck through when you check a checkbox.

* Only Administrators in the Team can change the setting.

* The setting is applied to all members.


1. Click “Settings” in the upper right corner and “Team settings”.

How to change whether the row is struck through when you check a checkbox on Stock_1

2. Click “Other settings” in the menu on the left side and you can change the setting from “Strikethrough for checkbox”.

How to change whether the row is struck through when you check a checkbox on Stock_2


1. Tap “Settings” on footer and “Other Team settings”.

How to change whether the row is struck through when you check a checkbox on Stock_3

2. You can change the setting from “Strikethrough for checkbox”.

How to change whether the row is struck through when you check a checkbox on Stock_4

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